Best Foods For Breastfeeding Mums

mum and newborn: best foods for breastfeeding

During the post-partum period and while breastfeeding it can be challenging for mums to prioritise their own nutritional needs. Life with a new-born is, after all, often busy and unpredictable.  However, whether you are breast-feeding or not, this is a critical time to ensure that your nutritional intake is on point. You have some nutritional…

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Tips For Better Sleep

woman sleeping: tips for better sleep

“Sleep dispenses a multitude of health-ensuring benefit, yours to pick up in repeat prescription every 24 hrs should you choose” – Matthew Walker This is my new favourite topic – a patient of mine put me onto a book called:  Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker:  what a cracker of a book it is! By…

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What Are Essential Fatty Acids?

sources of essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids or EFAs are polyunsaturated fatty acids that cannot be made in the body which is why it is essential that we ingest them through the diet or supplementation. There are two families of EFA’s omega-3 and omega-6. Incidentally Omega 9 fatty acids can be produced by the body so dietary ingestion is…

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Small Promises Build Habits

salad dumbells and water help in building healthy habits

Imagine this – a close friend has a sick child and needs to provide full time care while also working from home. She asks you a favour – can you please drop a healthy dinner meal over each night? She is exhausted from doctors appointments, working full time and caring for her child and can’t…

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Struggling to shift stubborn weight?

scales measure tape and weights usinnd when people are not losing weight

Although we, as a society, are slowly moving away from the narrative of ‘cut calories, exercise more to lose weight’, we still often see patients feeling discouraged that they are doing just that and are still unable to reach their target weight and feel comfortable in their body. When patients are not losing weight they…

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Heavy Metal Toxicity Symptoms You Should Know About

test sheet highlighting lead level for heavy metal toxicity symptoms

While your body needs small amounts of some heavy metals, such as iron, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc, to function effectively, your health is at risk if these accumulate to an excessively high level. In this article we’ll take a look at the heavy metal toxicity symptoms you should be aware of, how you could…

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What Is Nutrition Coaching?

clinical nutritionist preparing nutrition coaching plan

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” – John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance  By Nyanda Dennison This is what I believe about coaching:  Everyone has the solutions to their own problems, but they may need help to find them.   Coaching builds…

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The High’s and Low’s of Stomach Acid

red area on chest and hand pressing on it highlighting low stomach acid symptoms

High Stomach Acid/ Reflux/ Indigestion/ discomfort or burning pain in your sternum – we’ve all experienced that nasty symptom at some point but are you sure it was due to high stomach acid? Did you know that low stomach acid can cause similar symptoms?   By Caren Wigmore ND. Patients are often really surprised when I…

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